Taken: Various
2013 APRILTAKENApril 5 - 27, 2013[portfolio_slideshow id=648 height=500]Practice invites you to revel in the stolen, the pinched, the ripped off & altered, and to join us again on April 18th to talk about how that makes you feelPractice presents TAKEN, a group exhibition that explores the use of appropriation in contemporary art practice. At a time when record companies and movie studios are rolling out new anti-piracy measures, TAKEN presents works by eleven artists who gleefully appropriate public and private figures in their work, moral ambiguity be damned.Practice also invites you to join us on Thursday, April 18th, from 7-9 p.m., for the PIRATE SUPPORT GROUP. If you’ve ever answered yes to any doubts about your piracy, then this group is for you. PIRATE SUPPORT GROUP seeks to create a safe forum for you to share your struggle with those like you.Along with the exhibit, the Broadzilla DJs present their new megamix DAFT PUNK IS CLICHE + OLD BUT IT'LL MAKIM DANCE! -- their answer to one frustrated Broadzilla fan's party plea: 53 artists who aren't Daft Punk. Stream and/or download the mix by clicking here.Be sure to also visit TAKEN's partner exhibition at Little Berlin entitled REPEAT, an exhibition that consists of appropriated content, downloaded from the internet, and re-produced; all of which is borrowed without the prior knowledge or consent of the original creators.Little Berlin is located at 2430 Coral Street, in the Viking Mill building of Kensington.Wednesday, April 24th: Little Berlin will host a round table discussion on the topics of appropriation, replication, copyright, creative commons, and ownership.Press for this exhibition
The Art of the Steal – Taken at Practice Galleryby Sam NewhouseMay 2013--
Practice examines appropriation and ownership with “Taken”by Chip SchwartzApril 2013